Sunday, 16 March 2025

Herts of Lard 2025 - A Great Day Out!!!

 Yesterday I went to Herts of Lard in Rickmansworth, the southern Too Fat Lardies play day. An absolutely brilliant day with 15 (well 14 due to illness) different TFL games running twice each during the day.

Firstly , a huge Thank You to Joe Bilton for organising the event and to the game hosts and other helpers for all their hard work. There were three Midgard running and I managed to get a place in two of them and was on the winning side in both!

My morning game was “The Cleansing of the Eyewash" a Middle Earth game run by Matt Slade. This was a lovely looking table and provided a really hard fought battle, with the orcs narrowly taking the day. Here are a some pictures of the game.

My afternoon game was  Too Eager! a battle between Romans and Ancient Britons run by Paul Cox, assisted by Grahame Wright. Another very hard fought and close bash, with the British literally snatching victory from the jaws of defeat in the last melee of the game! I used to periodically game with Paul and Grahame in Harrow in the dim mists of the past (Paul reckoned it was pushing 25 years ago!). so it was great to see them again and catch up a bit.

And here are pictures of some of the other games on offer. I took most of these at the start of the day, so some have not got their minis on yet. Starting with a 15mm Chain of Command game set in the jungles of Burma.


A really spectacular Operation Goodwood 28mm game in the ruins of Caen.

An intriguing Call of Cthulhu game using What a Cowboy.

Another 28mm CoC game, this time American paras in Normandy.

And a samurai game in 15th century Japan.

A 15mm WW2 1941 Eastern Front game of I Ain't Bin Shot Mum, nice to see those rules still in use.

Kiss Me Hardy Napoleonic ships.

Another Midgard game, this time the defeat of Varus' Roman legions in the Teutoburg Wald in 9AD.

Great fun, I met a fantastic bunch of gamers and play two really good game. I'd call that a result!

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