Sunday 13 January 2019

Sellswords go Undead Bashing!

My friend Mark came over to stay for the weekend for a last blitz of gaming before baby number two arrives in Feb. I invited a couple of my other gaming buddies over to join in, so we played Sellswords and Spellslingers on Friday night with t'other Mark, had Ian along to play more Sellswords on Saturday, followed by Mark running us through an introductory game of Kill Team. After dinner that evening we fitted in a boardgame. Finally Mark and I got another game of Kill Team in before he left on Sunday. Not a bad weekend's gaming there!

I didn't photograph all the games, but took some shots of Saturday's two-part Sellwords game. The two linked scenarios involved obtaining runes from a stone circle, protected by undead, which would help to unlock a tomb containing ancient treasure, again protected by undead!

The party consisted of a Human fighter, wizard and ranger, with an Elf, Dwarf and Halfling burgler

Scenario One

This started off very well for the PCs as we reached the stone circle and took out two of the skeleton guardians before we drew a card to activate the monsters!

 It didn't last, more skeletons kept turning up, the Wizard lost his magic mojo (rolled a 1 for casting a spell!) and to cap it all, a pack of 6 hungry timber wolves wandered along.

 Somehow we managed to survive and get the runes, but only just, several of the party were badly injured by the time we escaped off the table.
 But the Halfling burgler had found the rotting corpse of a previous adventurer and salvaged a bow and arrows and 3 vials of Holy Water, which would come in handy later on!

Scenario Two

Having obtained the runic code the PC's need to search the 4 ruined houses in the village to find a rune stone and press the appropriate runes to open the door to the tomb. Then simply rush in, destroy all the various undead guardians, grab the loot and rush out....simples!

A view of the table showing the 4 ruined houses with the tomb in the graveyard in the bottom left corner. Various groups of undead are wandering about, a mix of skeletons (risen from the graveyard) and zombies (more recently killed villagers).

And in the middle of the village, a wraith!

The group make a cautious start, except for the Dwarf who rushes on ahead.

And starts laying into the undead, except more start turning up behind him. A couple of really rubbish combat rolls saw the Dwarf unconscious on the ground. The party decided to press on and pick him up on the way back!
The wraith moves closer and is blasted by a fireball, but then the fighter's nerve breaks and he flees, chased by the wraith. As they rush out of the ruin the lobs two well-aimed vials of Holy Water, taking the Wraith down to 1 HP.
On the next PC activation a fail activates the wraith, who charges the Halfling. But the burgler rolls a 20 in combat and takes out the troublesome spirit. Never send a big, beefy fighter to do a Halfing's job!
The Halfling then ran back to search the house.

In the meantime the ranger picked off a lonely skeleton.

The party moved further into the village where the finally found the runestone to open the door to the tomb.
Gathering at the tomb entrance before the wizard rushed inside to grab the loot (a small locked chest). All the party had to do now was to return to pick up the unconscious Dwarf and exit the table.

A shortage of targets for a fireball...

But the wizard was bored!

More skeletons showed up to block the escape.

The party got back to the Dwarf and grabbed him but a load more skeletons arrived and the ranger was knocked down as well. The wizard grabbed him and slung him over his shoulder.

Most of the PCs rushed off leaving the wizard trailing behind them, when the Halfling remembered that not only was the wizard carrying the ranger, but he also had the loot stuffed in his knapsack.
The Halfling covered the wizard's retreat until they both finally escaped.

After that we had a go at GW's Kill Team, using Marks excellent set up of MDF terrain from TTCombat . Mark has storage issues and has kept the bulk of the scenery unglued so he can store them as flatpack! It also meant that we had fun assembling a 3-d jigsaw before the game.

Here's a couple of shots before we started the game. I'm not sure why the colour has come out a bit funny in these photos?