Sunday, 23 March 2025

A Great Weekend of Gaming

 My younger mate Mark came over to stay for an annual gaming weekend this week.  We have been doing this for a few years now, Mark and his wife Kate, have two young daughters (now 5 and 7) and this provides an escape for gaming and adult company. To be fair, we have started a similar weekend escape for Kate. She is a history buff and enthusiastic about steam engineering. My sister Broni volunteers for our local heritage railway, so last year Kate came over for a couple of nights of drinking cocktails, then a day on the railway where Broni wangled her a private visit to the signal bow and a ride on the footplate of a steam locomotive.

Back to gaming, I had a packed schedule planned. 

Friday: Mark arrived, had a beer and settled in, followed by dinner, then beer and a game of Frostgrave.

Saturday: am Frostgrave, then Ian joined us for lunch, followed by more beer and a game of Zombie Stagecoach (wild west Zombie RV).

Sunday: More Frostgrave followed by lunch at a Turkish restaurant, before Mark headed home.

Great fun and a lot of laughs was had by all. Here are some photos of the games in no particular order.

Frostgrave first.

Mark's wizard channelling an ACW General. "Watch out for that crossbowman Master!". "Pah! he couldn't hit an elephant at that distance!"

Twang! Thunk! Ugh!

Three of Mark's warband close in on one of mine trying to collect a treasure.

But picking up the chest alerted the Giant Worm lurking beneath the surface. Guess who was closest?

Yep! That one's the starter!

and this one's the main course!

The Zombie Stagecoach. Mark and Ian each had a gang of survivors and I GM'ed the zombie.

The town looked quiet, too quiet!

It looks like Emily's in trouble!

Now is not the time for the shotgun to run out of ammo!

The melee just got bigger!

The reason there are noise markers next to the shed is that 3 of Ian's gang are hiding inside. "Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, we ain't hunting wabbits". 

They were hoping the zombies would follow little Timmy, who was running across the street screaming, after being startled out of his hiding place when one of Mark's gang searched the barn.

And it worked!

Ian's character Ol' George attracting the zombies attention before heroically leading them on a merry dance, allowing the rest of his gang to sneak up and search the last two buildings.

An excellent weekend. We are already planning the next one!


  1. Sounds like an awesome weekend of gaming.

  2. Looks like a fun game of ZRV! I played the "Ghost Archipelago" version of Frostgrave, but eventually soured on the combat system. Sounds like a fun weekend and a great tradition, Graham!

    1. I know what you mean about the combat system. We hadn't player for years and it felt really clunky for the first game, until we got back into the swing of it.
