Monday 27 May 2019

Emperor of Ice - Sellswords Campaign Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – The Graveyard

Note: Skeletons and Zombies are interchangeable, they have the same stats the only difference is the level of decomposition.

The party’s first task is to obtain directions that, together with the information obtained from father Brennan, will guide them on their path to the fabled city. Many centuries ago these directions were inscribed, in code, onto a mighty monolith. Unfortunately, their importance was forgotten over time and, after a viscous war, the local people broke the monolith up to construct tombs for their war dead. A mighty Necromancer was incensed by this action, that he cursed the burial site that the dead within would find no peace!

The whole table is a graveyard with a stone mausoleum in the centre. There are 4 opened tombs/vaults which act as the ambush points and 28 low, granite table tombs (use a set of dominoes).

When the AMBUSH! card is drawn, 1 skeleton jumps out of the closest open tomb/vault.

Traps:  There are no traps.

Deployment: Deploy all PCs 2” from the southern edge, then deploy foes randomly but not closer than 2” to any PC (if a foe appears closer than 2” from a PC, place it 2” away).

6 single armoured skeletons
6 single skeletons
2 hordes of 3 skeletons

Reinforcements: Skeletons which enter table from the mausoleum.

Complications: The first time the Things Could get Worse card is drawn, a group of bandits enter from the southern edge 1 x Bandit leader and a horde of 6 bandit thugs.

They’re At Our Back: 1d6 bandits enter the table form the southern edge.

Wandering Monster: If a wandering monster card is drawn, roll a d6.
1-2 – d6 skeletons
3-4 – d6 armoured skeletons
5-6 – d3 Ghouls

Victory Conditions: The PCs must open the table tombs and see if any of the code is inscribed on the underside of the lid. Any domino with a 6 has a piece of the code. Other dominoes either contained a useful item/treasure or an undead that would immediately attack the PC. The double blank domino contained a Wraith. The PCs needed to find as many clues as possible, then escape from the graveyard.

Other individual rewards: A PC carrying an out-of-action PC off the table gains 1 XP.

An overall view of the table with the party entering from the right.

And the view from the PCs point of view

Brother Christos obvious wasn't listening at the planning session when Sintamo said "Everybody remember to stick together"!

Sir Robin prised the first tomb open....Bugger, it's the wraith! Sir Robin staggers backwards as the wraith catches him with a mighty blow, but the force is taken by the knight's armour.

Robin's in trouble but Christos and Eldarondo pile in to help out! On his way in Christos hurled a flask of Holy Water at the fell monster (on the basis that if he missed a quick wash wasn't going to do Sir Robin any harm!).

Once the wraith is dealt with, Brother Christos is off again! A horde of undead see him and start to close in, but Eduardo spots them.....


Eldarondo steps on a poisonous snake and takes 1HP damage. Note this picture shows the event as the elf was later to describe it in the tavern, in fact Sintamo thought he saw a small grass snake slither away!

Christos finds the first piece of the code, but in his excitement he promptly slips and falls over. Not a good time to do that with a large armoured form approaching him.

But he is back on his feet in a trice and charges the beast. At this point Gunnar shouts that there is a large party of bandits following close behind, as if the undead were not bad enough.

A well aimed Fireball takes out most of the bandits. Eddie prepares to launch a second magical blast but only manages a "Phutt!" and a small shower of sparks, then reels back with a blinding headache. His magical energy is depleted!

At this point a skeleton clambers out of a nearby tomb and jumps on the hapless wizard. But it is cut down by Eddie's unique swordsmanship (also known as waving your sword in front of you and shouting "Gitoutofit!).
Sintomo: "How does he do that?"
Eldarondo: "And he had his eyes closed!"

Fighting a rearguard action against a horde of undead, Gunnar is a little perturbed as a second horde of skeletons come flooding out of the mausoleum.

"Guys, a little help here!"
"Wouldn't something like a fireball be really useful?"
"Shut up, my head hurts!"

The ranger and elf respond by picking of a few of the skeletons, allowing Gunnar room to display his considerable axe skills on the rest. By now Christos has found a second part of the code and Eddies has snagged a third, Sir Robin hasn't found any inscriptions, but has picked up two potions of extra healing.

Suddenly things seem very quiet.....

....but it's the lull before the storm. Yet again the wizard is ambushed by a skeleton but fights it off.

Robin goes down bleeding badly, but Eldarondo brings him around, then uses one of Robin's newly acquired potions to get him back on his feet.
By now the party have found 4 inscriptions, but several of them are wounded and more undead keep turning up.
Gunnar: "Can we go now?"
Christos: "Just one more!"
He levers open yet another tomb, it's an inscription!
Just at this point Gunnar is felled by a vicious blow that smashes through his armour.
Sintamo and Eldarondo rush back to the stricken dwarf. The ranger downs the skeleton standing over their comrade and the elf grabs the dwarf's body and slings it over his shoulder.

The party now run for it! On inspecting the dwarf's injuries they are serious, but Robin's second potion is enough to cure them.

Once well away, the party pause for rest and to allow Christos time to examine the inscriptions.
Christos: "I've worked out the first part at least, we need to go north and cross the Black Crags"
Sintaomo: "There are only two passes through those mountains, the southern pass is really dangerous, it's home to a vicious tribe of orcs."
Gunnar: "Not good, what about the other pass?"
Sintamo: "That should be fine, apparently the orcs never go there for some reason."
Christos: "Right, Giant Pass it is!"