Friday, 17 January 2025

War in the Icy Waste of Jortunheim

 Colin came over for  Midgard game, pitting the Heroes of Jortunheim against the Hordes of the Ice Witch. This was our first game using the Sorcery rules.

This game was over rather quickly, mainly due to Colin's ability to roll a bucket of 5s and 6s in almost every melee!!!

Just a brief example, in turn 2, Colin charged two units of Jortun (smaller frost giants, frost ogres?) led by the hero Sigurd, his army commander, into my Frost Troll and Ice Wyrm. This immediately gave him 3 extra Reputation points. Against the Frost Troll he rolled 12 hits (!!!), the poor beast was only armour 3, so 4 wounds, killing it outright. Against the Ice Wyrm he scored 3 wounds, so it retreated, into the unit supporting it behind. This prompted another command test, which I failed and the wyrm took another wound, also killing it.

So in the first turn of combat, I had lost 8 of my 11 Reputation points and Colin was now on 14!!

Things mostly went downhill from there, at the end of Turn 4 I was into minus Reputation, while Colin still had 8 points left. After that sort of a start, to be honest I was just happy to be able to hang on until turn 4!😂

The Heroes of Jortunheim deploy.

The Hordes of the Ice Witch line up against them.

Charging a giant might not be the best idea.

Suddenly there are a lot of gaps on my flank.

The Jortunheim struggle in the centre (unlike both flanks).

"Are you having a laugh little man?".

The Ice Witch's Frost Knights cut their way forward.

Jortunheim's Dokkalfar and their sorcerer attack.

The Frost Troll looks fierce (but wasn't in the end!).

There was a lot of laughs in this game and it was still a great fun to play. It was just that the dice gods were not on my side today.

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