Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Sellswords & Spellslingers Campaign in Bogland

 I am planning a Sellswords and Spellslingers mini campaign, inspired by the brilliant (and weird) Boglanders created by Curtis at Ramshackle Games link

I picked up the entire range as a Kickstarter and have used some of them in different games but I thought that they deserved a setting of their very own. I'll be using some models from other manufacturers for things not covered in the Ramshackle Games range, like giants, trolls etc, but for the most part I will be using Curtis' lovely little weirdoes. 

Here is the background setting I'll be giving the players (some of it lifted from Curtis' booklet of the Boglanders).

Bogland is a strange place. A kind of low magic and the pitifully mundane are blended in the mud and grime of the bog. Some small part of Bogland exists across the planes, mostly in the land of the mortal, but a tiny part in the province of the fey, in fairyland. So, the people of Bogland too are some part of the realm of magic, yet most part mortal, and of the filth of their country.

Ruled by Bortrand, eighth of his name, and Nigle, the second of his name, the two kings who wear the crown simultaneously encompasses both the Bringer of Peace and Bringer of War. This makes the kingdom unpredictable, sometimes welcoming visitors and at other times shunning outsiders with lethal force. The King's faction, the Reds, try to follow his erratic orders but often struggle.

This unpredictability is not helped by the consort, Queen Vulpia the Cunning, The Great and Knowledgeable, She Who Reads, Patron of Bogland University.

Queen Vulpia the Cunning, who is wise and benevolent, has ruled for many years. She is part of the were-folk—part human, part animal—and leads her faction, the Blues. Though they are arrogant and insular, Vulpia strives to teach them honour and care for others.

Most Boglanders worship Sunface, Ruler of the Sky, the Bright Sun, creator of the world and of life, and Jenny of the Bog, the god of renewal and of plants, and of building, and protector of children, and the god of the dead to whom she grants a second life. The bogs of Bogland are revered by the inhabitants as sacred places. The bog is the source of food, of water, of the valuable peat that is burned and, also the place where the dead are buried. Jenny of the Bog judges the dead who are interred within the bog. If she decides they still have work left to do, then she will send their souls back to the land of the living.

Despised and feared by the more powerful states that surround it, Bogland would have been long ago wiped from existence, if it was not for the nature and difficulty of the terrain. Warlords have led armies of men, dwarves and orcs into the mists of Bogland, only to see the cream of their warriors drown in the marshes or be picked off one by one in ambush. Now the neighbouring princes try to pretend that Bogland does not exit, whilst mounting guards on their borders to fend of raiding parties from the misty bogs.

But in recent years, disturbances in the Northern Mountains have led to giants, trolls and all manner of monsters to descend into Bogland and plague the inhabitants. They desecrated the shrines, destroyed the pitiful farms and devoured the livestock (and often the farmers too). Worst of all they stole the necklace of Jenny of the Bog from her shrine. This necklace, which seems a mere bauble to the viewer, is a source of powerful magic that protected the Bogland. The necklace has been torn apart and the pieces carried off by the raiders.

King Bortrand and Nigle has offered a reward for any hero that could find the pieces and reunite the necklace. Many have sought the prize only to be crushed by giants or eaten by trolls, and on more than one occasion, executed by the Bolanders when Nigle, Bringer of War, achieved dominance over Bortrand.

 The players will be provided with a sketch map of Eastern Bogland, the places marked with a Sunface show where a piece of the necklace is thought to be found. Each table will cover two of the locations on the map. I'll post some batreps once we have played the games.


Assorted (Mostly) Fantasy Painting in January

 Much to my own surprise, I seem to have got a lot of painting completed this month, after a good three months of no painting Mojo!

Mostly fantasy, partly for a mini Sellswords & Spellslingers campaign I am planning for February, and partly due to getting enthused by Midgard Heroic Battles ruleset. I think it was the excitement generated by the release of Midgard that kickstarted my painting after such a long hiatus. As soon as I got my copy I started planning armies and thinking about what I needed to paint.

So what have I accomplished?

Starting off with some cheap 3d printed sci-fi drones. These had been sitting on my painting table, undercoated, for months and I decided to clear the table ready for the stuff I wanted to paint. No chucking them in a box, I had to get the finished before I could start anything else.

As Midgard Heroic Battles was the catalyst to boost my painting mojo, here are the two frost giants I painted for my Jotunheim armies, which have been sitting around for, literally, years!

And the marker for when one of them lobs a boulder around.

Some cheap 3d prints I picked up online, Mr and Mrs Hill Giant and a couple of trolls.

Some bits for my dungeon games, a horde of beetles from the Blacklist Games Fantasy Kickstarter and a couple more 3d prints and pair of rock chucking goblinesque/Trollish beasties.

And finally, some odds from the Ramshackle Games Boglanders set, a goblin guard with his pet frog and a insecty type gribbly. It was suggested that the goblin is in fact a fantasy version of me and our little dog (chihuahua/jack russell cross)! Also some markers from the set, which will find use as objective markers at some point.

Let's see if I can keep this up in February!😄

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Jortunheim with Midgard 2

 Colin and I got another Midgard game in, once again journeying to the icy wastes of Jortunheim. Once again, Colin had the Heroes of Jortunheim against my Hordes of the Ice Witch.

This time I managed to get some early charges in, which helped to boost my Reputation points.

Unfortunately not all my units passed their attempt at a second move, resulting in my charge breaking up my nice neat lines.

I had a bit more success on the right flank, although the unit of little Myrkalfar failed to charge the Frost Giant (and who can blame them?).

The Frost Troll pushed (Army Commander) Sigurd and his Jortun bodyguard back with heavy casualties. 

My Ogre champion led the Frost Wyrms in a flanking movement. The Issalfar skirmishers charged them in a vain attempt to stop their didn't work!

The Jortun died heroically, leaving Sigurd in a rather desperate situation! 

Elsewhere the Issalfar and Ice Knights enter into a bloody slogging match.

The Valkyrie vainly try to protect their sorcerer from my angry Frost Giant.

It doesn't look good from the sorcerer's perspective!

Having digested Sigurd, the Frost Wyrms fancied a Frost Giant as main course.

But is didn't go in their favour!

The final result at the end of turn 5, 1 Reputation for Colin, -1 for me. A very close game, but the Heroes of Jortunheim just won by a whisker. A very bloody encounter, both sides lost their Army Commander. A lot of fun!

I didn't get it in time for finish painting for this game, but I picked up this little 3d print for when my giants are lobbing boulders around.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Return to a Sellswords and Spellslingers Dungeon

Ross and I finally managed to get together to play the second half of our Sellswords and Spellslingers dungeon. We knew that the Big Boss (a lich and bodyguard) was no longer there, because we had killed them in the previous game! But there were a lot of rooms we hadn't searched, so we decided give it a second run.

Our band of heroes, Steinarr the Cleric, Dallin the Warrior, Renir the Wizard, Lars the Warrior, Aoife the Elf Ranger and Mephiso the Wizard, re-enter the dungeon.

We decided to split the party to check out two different rooms, with the intention of meeting up in the room at the far end of the corridor.

Lars, Aoife and Mephiso got stuck in their room (lots of failed activations) but on the plus side drew a Hidden treasure card. Fortunately it turned out that the genuine chest was in their room and the two more distance ones were the fakes!

Steinarr, Dallin and Renir found another treasure in their room, which was only guarded by 3 skeletons,

Having dealt with those, the trio moved on to the next room, which contained even more skeletons. We were wondering what had happened to the other three, they were stuck in their first room. The exit door turned out to be locked and they kept failing they attempts to break the door down.

Once they did finally get out of the room, they found the corridor beyond was rather busy with a bunch of skeletons and a large gnoll.

Having dealt with the various foes and reunited the party, we pressed on after Renir had cast a couple of heal spells. Steinarr burst into a room at the end of the corridor, only to find it held a nest of harpies!

Dallin moved in to help him, just in time for a rather irate bugbear to join the party. At this point Renir rolled a 1 on a spell casting roll, exhausting his magic for the rest of the day. He would be on treasure carrying duty for the remainder of the dungeon.

In the meantime, the other free had explored another room and encountered a wraith!

After this, with several PCs injured, we decided to call it a day and run for the exit.

Typically, 2 gnolls showed up at this point and threated to block our retreat.

But the gang managed to fight them off and get everyone out still on their own two feet (just)!

Great fun and a lot of laughs were had. 

Friday, 17 January 2025

War in the Icy Waste of Jortunheim

 Colin came over for  Midgard game, pitting the Heroes of Jortunheim against the Hordes of the Ice Witch. This was our first game using the Sorcery rules.

This game was over rather quickly, mainly due to Colin's ability to roll a bucket of 5s and 6s in almost every melee!!!

Just a brief example, in turn 2, Colin charged two units of Jortun (smaller frost giants, frost ogres?) led by the hero Sigurd, his army commander, into my Frost Troll and Ice Wyrm. This immediately gave him 3 extra Reputation points. Against the Frost Troll he rolled 12 hits (!!!), the poor beast was only armour 3, so 4 wounds, killing it outright. Against the Ice Wyrm he scored 3 wounds, so it retreated, into the unit supporting it behind. This prompted another command test, which I failed and the wyrm took another wound, also killing it.

So in the first turn of combat, I had lost 8 of my 11 Reputation points and Colin was now on 14!!

Things mostly went downhill from there, at the end of Turn 4 I was into minus Reputation, while Colin still had 8 points left. After that sort of a start, to be honest I was just happy to be able to hang on until turn 4!😂

The Heroes of Jortunheim deploy.

The Hordes of the Ice Witch line up against them.

Charging a giant might not be the best idea.

Suddenly there are a lot of gaps on my flank.

The Jortunheim struggle in the centre (unlike both flanks).

"Are you having a laugh little man?".

The Ice Witch's Frost Knights cut their way forward.

Jortunheim's Dokkalfar and their sorcerer attack.

The Frost Troll looks fierce (but wasn't in the end!).

There was a lot of laughs in this game and it was still a great fun to play. It was just that the dice gods were not on my side today.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Middle Earth Clash with Midgard Heroic Battles

 Ian came over last night for my first go at using Midgard Heroic Battles for Middle Earth. Set in the mid-Third Age, around the collapse of  the Kingdom of Arnor, an Orc host out of Angmar encounters a Dwarven force from the Blue Mountains.

I gave Ian the choice and he took the Dwarves and rolled high, so he was the attacker. This would mean I deployed first, but he took the first move.

The Angmar Orcish host, I used double depth bases for the orc units as it gives the impression of massed numbers and looks more menacing, well just orcish!

The Dwarven force. They look puny next to the mass of Orcs, but these are very hard b***ards!

In the first turn the Dwarves advanced in a calm, orderly manner, keeping the main battle line neat and throwing their skirmishers forward on the wings.

In turn the Orcs rush forward in a somewhat more disorganised manner, whilst the warg riders rush off to outflank the Dwarven line (I miscalculated how long it would take these gits to get into position without a hero/champion to push them along!).

In the second turn the Dwarves charge forward in the centre and the slogging match begins! This was a good move for the Dwarves, not only do they have an advantage for charging (reroll and 1's), it negates and extra dice the Orcs get for charging as they are classed as being Impetuous.

The Dwarves start pushing the Orcs back, their superior armour is paying off.

Except for the unit facing the trolls, who are forced backwards, but with heavy losses on both sides.

The third turn continues with an epic clash as the upper hand swaps back and forth, and the supporting units move into the melee where they can. Leading his hearth guard forward the Dwarf Lord destroys the Orc unit in front of him, first blood to the Dwarves!

On the flanks the Orcs charge into the fray, but with another 2 Orc uruk units wiped out and a hero wounded, for just a unit of Dwarven skirmishers, things are looking bad for the Orcs. Their Reputation is down to 3 whilst the Dwarves still have 6 tokens on their pot! That said several Dwarf units are rather badly chopped up, so could break with a little push.

Turn 4 sees a change of fortune (again) as the warg riders finally get into a position to charge into the flank of a Dwarf unit engaged with uruks to their front. An outstanding results sees the Dwarf axemen wiped out and their hero leader wounded. 

The centre of the battlefield is looking a bit empty (because so many units are dead!).

The last thing these unfortunate Dwarf axemen see is the trolls bearing down on them as another Dwarf unit crumbles. At the end of the Attacker (Dwarf) phase, we are both down to zero Reputation. It all depends on the final Defender (Orc) phase of melee. At this point our normal dice throwing resumed as I killed a Dwarf hero and destroyed another unit for no loss at all!

A view of the table at game end. 

The Dwarf Reputation pot looks empty...

...but in fact there are 5 Dwarf Reputation tokens in the Orc pot, representing a minus score for the Dwarves. Final score Orcs 0, Dwarves -5!!! 

A great game with a lot of fun and laughs. It was a really close game with the advantage swinging back and forth until the very last minute!