Sunday 31 March 2024

Wild West Gunfight....with Zombies!!

 I haven't had my Western town out for a while, so I invited some of the guys over for a gunfight last weekend.

Here's the scenario for the day:


Last Chance City is a small, isolated mining town, essentially run by The Last Chance Mining Company (LCMC). Over the years LCMC has seen a small profit from the mine, which produces poor-quality copper ore and a few other minerals.

Two weeks ago, the mine manager telegraphed head office to say that they had made an important discovery, something the manager had never seen before. That was the last message sent from Last Chance City, there has been no work from the town at all.

LCMC have employed a group of former law enforcement officers to travel to the mine and find out what has happened. They must be quick, a rival mining company, Grabem and Grindem Minerals Incorporated, have also sent agents to try and steal the LCMC’s secrets. Other dangers lurk, reports have come in that the notorious Mexican bandito known as “El Chihuahua” and his gang are in the area.

OBJECTIVE: Locate the manager’s office and secure the mineral reports and samples from the mine.

The view from the south.

And from the north (players entry end).

It start off as your usual, run-of-the-mill gunfight. Running around, shooting people in the back, that sort of thing.

The Mexican banditos rushed ahead and managed to gain a head start on their rivals, moving towards the manager's office.

But then things went a little, um, strange. I'd forgotten to mention that I had started painting up some of the minis from the Zombicide Undead or Alive Kickstarter I got back in the tail end of 2022 (18 months to get started, not bad!!!).

A Mexican bandito thought he'd grab this civilian and use her as a shield....

.....he got a shock when she started biting him!!!

Now a few more random pictures of the game. The Mexicans did get to the documents from the manager's office first, but ended up all dead, either eaten by zombies or caught in the crossfire between the other gangs. 
The Grabem and Grindem agents snatched the reports from their cold, dead hands, and quickly escaped off the table.

And finally, the "Family Photo", a line up of the zombies I have painted so far.

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