Wednesday 20 March 2024

Under Sea VSF

 Now I've got them painted, I'm trying out some underwater VSF games. The first couple of games were just solo ones, trying out different rule systems. So far I've tried In Her Majesty's Name and Mutants and Death Ray Guns, so far I'm inclining to IHMN.

I need to get some of the guys over to try these out now, to get some outside input.

Here are some piccis from the test games. The minis are mostly 3d prints designed by Mr Big Tong, plus a few older metal divers from Tiger Miniatures.

All the kerfuffle has attracted the (unwanted) attention of some other inhabitants of the deep ocean!


  1. Always been tempted by underwater gaming, but wasn't sure how to overcome the multiple heights required. It did however inspire me to sculpt a Megladon ! LOL

    1. The advantage of the diving suits is that most models are on one level! Any set of skirmish rules that allow for flyers will cope with swimming fish/sharks/other nasties.

  2. Great looking setup, good work!
    I am biased as I use them but you should give the FUBAR VSF rules a go, they're a free download also the author Craig went onto to work on IHMN 🙂.

    1. Thanks, I have heard about the Fubar VSF rules, but I've never gotten around to checking them out.

  3. Great looking game and something a bit different, which is always nice.
