Saturday 7 October 2023


 Having had their arses kicked by the Wasteland Androids, Colin's party decided to make an adjustment to the route of their journey (they ran away so they now had to go the long way around!).

Sorry, I neglected to take any pictures of Game 2, suffice to say it ended with the leader and another fighter down and the rest of the party making a hasty exit as the metallic killers closed in. The leader survived, wandering into camp the next day, but had lost all his kit. On the plus side, they had managed to loot a gun, a stack of energy cells and a plasma grenade as they scarpered!

They now had to cross an area of dense jungle-like vegetation. The party will enter from the North (top edge) and need to exit from the South edge.

A simple task, but there are distractions along the way.

On either side of the table are some interesting containers, is it worth the delay to check these out?

However, something is lurking in the undergrowth....

....not all the plants are rooted to the ground, and regard the interlopers with murderous intent!

The party cautiously move forward.

The plant leader opens fire with an assault rifle.

The party dodge for cover in the undergrowth as two of their guns broke in quick succession (poor maintenance) when they tried to return fire. The party gunsmith will be very busy tonight repairing those!

More plants start advancing into the fray. The tall plant moving down the path had a kinetic energy absorbtion mutation, very disconcerting for Colin's champion when she rushed up to close range and empties the magazine of her smg into the creature, with no effect!

Seeing an opportunity, Colin threw his can of herbicide catching the plant leader and two others in the blast. The effect was disappointing, it only knocked the two plants off their feet and had no effect on the leader at all. But it destroyed the vegetation around them so that they were no longer in cover, allowing Colin's mutant sharpshooter to aid and take the leader down with his assault rifle. In fact the mutant proved to be deadly in this game (after a poor performance against the androids) taking out three more plants with carefully placed shots.

Without the leader's bonus the plants were now only activating on 5s or 6s, allowing Colin to run rings around them. His party were able to loot two of the containers, gaining much needed food, a needler pistol and another grenade.  

Colin almost blew it at this point. With a clear path to escape down in front of him, he momentarily turned to go for the third container. But he realised that it was too far away and there were still quite a few plants, including some undisclosed ambushers, between him and the container, so decided to retreat (as I was bound to get lucky on my activations at some point).

But that delay was enough for me to activate one of the ambushers, who was fast moving (for a vegetable) and leapt on the simian hybrid bringing up the tail of the party!

As they struggled I was also able to get a monster plant (with really big teeth!) to start to close in.

In the nick of time, Colin's mutant moved back and between them killed the ambusher, allowing the party to leg it of the table before my big beastie could get into contact!

A great game, with a lot of fun a laughter. 

The party are back on track, next time they face the storms of The Radioactive Desert!


  1. Hey Graham,

    Saw your post on LA. Been enjoying your blog a lot. Really love the Athena Miniatures survivors there! Keep sharing!

    1. Thanks, we are taking a break for a few weeks but will be back with more Post-Apoc chaos soon!
