Friday, 28 February 2025

Painting in February

 In an effort to keep my painting mojo going, I am going to post a monthly update of my "achievements"  (or at least I am going to try to).

So, for February:

Some more Wild West Zombies from CMON's Zombicide Undead or Alive.

A blast from the past! A 90s sculpt from Heartbreaker, sculpted by Phil Lewis

A 3D print I found online, I have cunning plan in mind for this.

A couple of nasty mutant gribblies, also CMON models from Zombicide Undead or Alive.

Martian Fighting Machines, 3D prints from Etsy. I'm using these in 28mm, the taller ones are about 50mm high. they would be brilliant for 10mm or 6mm games.

Reaper Bones Graveyard Golem. I picked this up at a show 4/5 years ago and it's sat in the pile of shame ever since.

Assorted dead bodies, alway useful!

Two Bogander Fishmen from Ramshackle games.

The ruler of Bogland: Bortrand, eighth of his name, and Nigle, the second of his name, the two kings who wear the crown simultaneously, Bringer of War and named vassal to the Dark Lord, who he tricks.

Another random 3D print I took a fancy too, not sure what I will use it for yet, but I will probably find all kinds of occasions to put this on the table! 

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Mercian vs Welsh 2nd Round - Midgard Heroic Battles

 Colin brought his Welsh over for a rematch against Penda's Mercians.

This time the Welsh Hearthguard remembered to bring their horses, so the Welsh had a couple of units of cavalry.

The initial deployment with the Mercians on the right. We played the Encounter in the Mist scenario, so had to roll to see if any units had got lost in the fog. The Welsh cavalry fell back to the edge of the table, while my right flank moved forward a move and my left flank edged closer to my centre. Both armies centres were unchanged.

Turn One
Both forces stumbled forward in the fog, Colin throwing his skirmishers forward to try and break up my line. In the centre some lucky dice meant that he inflicted a kill on Penda's hearthguard, but avoided wounding the big man!

Turn Two
We rolled for the fog, which lifted, so had no further impact on the battle.

On  my right I advanced steadily, keeping my melee units together, but threw the archers forward to get on the flank of Colin's skirmishers.

In the centre Penda charged the impudent skirmishers who tried to evade, but were caught. Thios boosted my reputation score, Army Commander charging in the first charge of the game, +3 points! Needless to say they made short work of the Skirmishers. This cost Colin -2 Reputation, because he had upgraded his skirmishers to Marksmen.

On the left, a unit of Mercian spearmen charged the cavalry, who counter charged. Colin's army commander (surprisingly) challenged my hero to single combat, which he accepted. Not a good move as Welshman had a legendary Sword and chopped the poor Saxon into little pieces! However this meant that the cavalry did not have the benefit of their leader in combat and somehow I wiped the cavalry out, although my infantry took lost 3 or their 4 hits! The heroic Welsh commander decided not to stay and fight on, but ran away to take shelter with the other cavalry unit.

My skirmishers moved up and took a pot shot at the Welsh cavalry, but missed.

In the Welsh phase the untouched cavalry wheeled around and charged my chopped up spearmen, destroying the unit.

In the centre the Welsh charged forward, with mixed results and a lot of casualties on both sides. On their left their attacking units were thrown back and one destroyed for little effect on the Mercians.

Turn Three
Things got really busy now!

The dice gods were smiling on the Welsh in this turn. The Mercian centre is wiped out leaving Penda all alone. Out of shot, the cavalry finish off my last spear unit on the left and, damaged by shooting, my skirmishers retired into the cover of a nearby wood.

On the Mercian right flank, things are going well, but can I get the units moved over in time to save the king?

Turn Four
While the right flank spearmen finish the last Welsh unit, Eowa and his hearthguard rush to his brother's rescue. the Welsh skirmishers charged into the wood to finish off my last archers, who threw them back with a bloody nose.
Penda valiantly fights off the first Welsh onslaught.

But, in the Welsh phase, their commander leads his cavalry into the fray and the King of Mercia falls beneath the galloping hooves!

At this point I was going to concede, with only 1 Reputation left, but as we had some time left (Midgard games are really quick!) we decided to fight on.

Turn Five
My archers charged out of the wood and managed to destroy the Welsh skirmishers opposite them. Elsewhere not much happened as both side struggled to manoeuvre their remaining forces around to face the foe.

Turn Six
Peada, son of Penda, joined his uncle Eowa, and together they led the hearthguard in a valiant charge against the Welsh cavalry. 

The heroic Mercians, eager for revenge, turned the Welsh horseboys into food for ravens. They injured the Welsh chieftain but were unable to kill him in the last round of combat.

End of turn six, Mercians 2 Reputation, Welsh -1.

A very narrow victory for the Mercians, but a reminder of how easily things can turn around with these rules. So much fun!

Saturday, 15 February 2025

War of the Worlds Survivors Campaign

I belong to a monthly gaming group, four of us who have been meeting up (mostly) once a month since before Covid. Over time we have played a couple of Frostgrave campaigns, 2 or 3 Sellswords and Spellslingers campaigns and a Mutants and Death Ray Guns campaign. I fancied doing something a bit more VSF leaning, so suggested groups of survivors in the aftermath of a Martian Invasion, in the style of H G Wells.

Background, as presented to the players.

Barely a year after the First Martian Invasion, once again cylinders fell to Earth from space, this time in greater numbers in Britain, Europe, North America and Asia. In Britain the military were overwhelmed in weeks and in two months the country was totally cut off from the outside world, with no knowledge of what was happening in other countries.

It is now a year since the Second Martian Invasion, and you are part of a group of survivors eking out a precarious existence. After the first few months the Martian constructed sealed domes close to major waterways and Martian and their fighting Tripods are rarely seen away from these domes. Presumably to protect themselves from the diseases that wiped out the First Invasion. Many captured prisoners entered those domes, never to be seen again. Rumours of strange experiments abounded.

Smaller machines (christened Stalkers and Scuttlers by survivors) are despatched into the countryside to hunt down survivors. Also Shades have been released to join the hunt. Once human, perhaps the results, or the rejects, of Martian experiments, their skin has a strange blueish hue, as if their red blood had been replaced with some other fluid. They wander the countryside like mindless wild creatures who quite literally rip their victims apart and devour them.

Most recently another horror has appeared. Some sort of bizarre Martian/Human/machine hybrid, armed with a smaller version of the heat rays carried by the original Tripod fighting machines.

At your home base your group has a Marconi wireless radio apparatus, which is sometimes used to communicate with other survivors. But recently the apparatus has been receiving strange, unintelligible signals, which appear to originate from a location some 80 miles away to the southwest.

Your party have been despatched to try and locate the source of these signals and identify whether they pose a threat.  Other groups of survivors may also be aware of the signals and have sent exploring parties of their own. These parties should be regarded as rivals and potentially hostile, so treated with caution if encountered.

Campaign games will alternate between Scavenging Games, where the aim is to find useful equipment and food; and Scenario Games, which will move the players on towards the campaign’s objective.

The rules will be Ganesha Games' Mutants and Death Ray Guns, with elements from Fear and Faith and a few additional tweaks. I have added in the ability to find "salvage". This means any old, potentially useful, junk, scrap metal, flammable chemicals etc. Players can use this to try to create things like improvised body armour or explosives, in between games.

Martian robotic fighting machines, a Stalker and a Scuttler.

A Stalker with tentacles extended.

A Martian/Human hybrid machine thing.

A group of Shades.

Two survivors face a trio of Shades.

I don't think a crossbow will do much in this case!

"Come on chaps, we can easily deal with this little mechanical monstrosity!"
"I say chaps...where are you all going?"

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


 I'd seen some batreps for various games of Zombie RV online, which had caught my attention. This is a neat little set of rules by Dave Bezio (currently available for free on Wargames vault  here)

My only problem is that, although I have a bunch of post apocalyptic gangs that would do for survivors,  I do not have any modern zombies or much suitable terrain. But I do have a load of cowboys, wild west buildings and, thanks to buying into the Zombicide Undead or Alive Kickstarter, a bunch of western zombies! So I am dialling back Zombie RV a century or so to Zombie Stagecoach! How would John Wayne have coped with that?

Kirstie came over to give the rules a try, and here is our gang of survivors.

Jack and Jill. sibling ex-stage robbers, Ol'Pete, who used to ride shotgun for Wells Fargo and El Hombre, a Mexican with his family heirloom, a big sword.

Jack, Shooter +1, pistol and a melee weapon. (Kirstie)

Jill, Thief (move silently on 4+), pistol and extra ammo. (Kirstie)

Pete, Tough (+1 to grit rolls), shotgun and melee weapon. (Me)

El Hombre, Brawler +1, melee weapon. (Me)

L-R, Jill, Jack, Ol'Pete and El Hombre.

I am using a variation of the Trailor Trash scenario in the rules. Jack and Jill's cousin Judy is hiding out on the family farm. The gang just need to find her in one of the buildings and return to the stagecoach with her, if she is alive, or kill her if she is a zombie.

This is the layout of the farm. the zombie spawn point is by the corner of the barn.

We played through this scenario twice and both time had the same result, we found Judy, unzombiefied fortunately, but lost one of the gang. We basically tried the same tactic both times. Jack and Pete moved up the middle, shooting zombies and attracting attention, whilst Jill headed for the barn and El Hombre checked out the shed and farm house (shack). Our problem was that shooting isn't very effective, you only kill zombies or a 5 or 6, or a 6 at long range, which wasn't helped by keeping running out of ammo! And we were quickly swamped by zombies. Each game we only just got away, mainly because of the difficulty the zombies had crossing the fence, they cannot climb in these rules, so had to move to the gaps to pass through.

Here are a few pictures of the games.

Every time El Hombre checked a building it had zombies in it!

So in the second game he checked through the shed's back window first.

This led to a game of chase as the zombies lumbered out the door and around the back of the building...

....El Hombre ran around the front and into the shed to search it. Then as the Zombies moved back around the front to the door, he climbed out of the window and legged it!

Another bunch of zombies spawning, this game gives you a LOT of zombies, 3 or 4 new ones every turn, plus whatever is in the buildings.

When the barn got filled with zombies, Judy, Pete and El Hombre positioned themselves at the door, so the zombies could only get at them one on one. Single zombies are not very effective in melee, they really need to gang up on survivors to be a serious threat. This was much better that the first game, when a Pete ended up surrounded by zombies and eaten!

Jill had a little problem getting to the stagecoach, but she distracted the zombies to let the rest of the gang get on the stage. They then drove the stage around and picked her up from the end of the fence before the zombies could catch up.

We had a lot of fun and the rules have some great mechanisms, for a simple set. I particularly like the way noise is handled. But we felt they were too many zombies and it was too hard to kill them. We will definitely be playing this again, but might put a few house rules into the mix. 

Ideas we discussed included:
Spawning fewer zombies each turn
Making shooting more effective, +1 at short range instead of -1 at long range
Swapping zombie push back 1-3" for a knockdown and taking their entire next turn to stand up.

We will play around with a few things and see where we go, but the essence of the rules are great and it's fun to play!!


Sunday, 9 February 2025

Sellswords in Bogland Game 1

 Ross and Ian came over to play through the first game in my Bogland mini campaign. It was meant to be two scenarios, but they party performed so badly on the first attempt, they decided to go home and rest/heal up before making a second attempt at the game!

I took the role off GM, Ian had a Fighter, a Squire and a Ranger, Ross had a Fighter, a Magic user and an Elf archer.

The heroes(?) have undertaken a quest to seek the missing segments of a mystical necklace, stolen from the shrine of Jenny the Bog in Bogland. The full background is given here


Their sponsor/client, the King of Bogland, Bortrand, eighth of his name, and Nigle, the second of his name. Those who are both the Bringer of Peace and Bringer of War. 

The table lay out. The PCs enter from the near right corner and have to exit between the statues on the far right corner, having traversed the Misty Swamp and crossed the river at Troll Bridge. In the close left corner is the Forge of the One-Eyed Smith-God.

One-Eye at work by his forge. He has the skill to enchant weapons, but can sometimes be fickle.

In the Misty Swamp, something stirs in the watery depths.

Troll Bridge. How did such a charming rustic location gain such a name?

The First Attempt.

Not a great success story. It is best summed up by Ian's words "You have a magic user with no magic, your elf's a frog and my squire has just been killed, again! Let's leave and come back another day."

A few pictures of this disaster.

It started well enough, Ross's elf pushed forward and the rest of the party advanced more cautiously, except for Ian's squire who was somewhat laggardly in his attitude.

Reapatedly failing Activation rolls meant that lots of foes kept turning up, like these fish people...

...and this Swamp Troll.

A typical example of Ian's Activation dice rolling!

Moving in advance of the rest of the party meant that the elf got ganged up on by swamp frogs! He despatched the amphibians easily enough, but earned the ire of the Frog Master. This spirit of the bog appeared and turn the unfortunate elf into a purple frog!

Being lazy and hanging back was also no protection, as Ian's squire learned when he was attack by an irate bugbear. Some spectacularly bad combat dice and armour rolls left the poor squire out of the fight in short time!

The elf/frog at the forge of the One-Eyed Smith. 
Ross' conversation with the GM went like this:
You are now a frog!
Can I still use my bow?
No, you are a frog!
Can I talk to the smith?
Yes, he speaks elvish!

Having had to double back to help despatch the Bugbear, revive the unconscious Squire and magically heal him back to some semblance of health, after an hour of playing most of the party were back to their starting places!

Now things started getting really dangerous and the party were attacked by a troll and assorted other gribblies...including a marsh sprite. This a creatures of marsh gas, so cannot be harmed by mundane weapons and only vulnerable to magic (and fire, the marsh gas is quite flammable!).

Some of the party did manage to reach the forge and persuade the smith to enchant their weapons, but after three time he got bored with them and wandered off. It was at this point the Magic User rolled a 1 to cast a spell and lost his magical energy, and the Squire was killed for the second time by a troll, so the party decided to grab his body and leg it!

Having spent some time recuperating and healing, they returned to try and pass through the Misty Marsh a second time.

This time everything went far more according to plan. The party kept together, especially after they enter the mists, when LOS was reduced to 6", trying to keep at least one other PC in sight at all times.

They quickly encountered the Marsh Monster and killed it, searching the body revealed the first part of the mystic necklace and a magic scroll caught up in the creatures slimy hide.

When a Marsh Troll appeared, the party ganged up on the creature and again swiftly killed it. The party then paused to carry out some healing before continuing forward.

Again they were ambushed by Marsh Sprites, but now as at least half of the party had weapons that could hurt them so they were far less of a problem this time around.

As they neared Troll Bridge, Ian had a bright idea. "No one move onto the bridge until we are all in position, just in case"
A good idea, except that when Ross moved his Fighter up to the bridge first, he placed him on the edge of the bridge before anyone else arrived, "just to see if anything happened"....

....and of course, something did happen!

In the meantime something else was stirring in the mists. Bog Bodies, the spirits of drowned travellers, trapped forever in animated mud and slime.

"It's behind you!" The Elf tried shooting the Bog Bodies before it could reach the magic user, but discovered arrows do not do much to mud!
By the time the party had killed the Great Troll and dealt with the Bog Bodies, most of them were injured (again) and the Magic User and the Fighter were dead (or at least out of the fight). 
On checking the two bodies, Ross's fighter was OK, just a flesh wound (having a PC with healing +2 carry out the checks did help) and the Magic User was still alive, but comatose.

The Elf slung the Magic User over his shoulder whilst Ian's Fighter and Squire cleared the last of the foes off the bridge. The PCs just had time to search the fallen troll's body and find the second part of the necklace, before escaping off table!

A great couple of games and a lot of laughs all round!

The next adventure will explore the charmingly named Webbed Wyldwood and Giant's Lair! What could go wrong?