Wednesday, 5 March 2025


 Kirstie and I tried out another game of Zombie Stagecoach, my Wild West take on Zombie RV.

We wanted to try out a few house rules, as our first games had been very difficult.

We changed shooting to have +1 at close range, instead of -1 at long range and a zombie push back 1-3" now becomes a knockdown, taking their entire next turn to stand up.

The table layout. There are two spawning points, one on either side of the table. Search points are the house, the shack and the piles of barrels and boxes.

Our group of heroes, R-L Ol' Pete, cousin Judy and siblings Jack and Jill.

We actually played this scenario twice, the first time was really easy for the survivors, the fences made it quite easy to avoid most of the zombies by climbing back and forth over them. So we played a second game without the fences, which was more challenging.

Judy and Pete rush forward to the first search point.

Jack and Jill both rolled a bonus move, so the advanced towards the house, pausing to take a shot at a zombie on the way. jill just knocked hers down, but Jack took one out with a head shot.

Just as well, as more started to arrive.

One lumbered towards jack but just before he reached him, Jack took him down.

have found some more supplies , Pete lined up on an approaching zombie only to hear the dreaded "click", out of ammo (rolled a 1!). He used his supplies for a re-roll and this time blasted the zombie with his shotgun, while Judy moved up and took a shot at the Zombie in front of the house, that had just struggled back onto it's feet. But she only scored another knockdown.

Yet more zombies appear and lumber towards the gang.

Pete moved up to the shack and pushed the door open, only to find two zombies inside!

Judy moved over to the pile of barrels, them took another shot at the same zombie, finally killing it this time.
Jill crept into the house, fortunately it was empty of zombies, but also empty of anything useful.

Jack kept up  a hail of lead at the oncoming zombies.

Pete blasted one of the zombies in the shack, but was leapt on by the other. Pete was wounded, but managed to fend him off. He them smashed the zombie's skull with his shotgun butt.

Moving quietly out the back of the house, Jill reached the last search point, but found nothing.

From her position behind the barrels, Judy picked off some of the zombies closing in on Jack. Having a Shooter with a rifle was proving to be really useful.

More zombies arrived, including a Big 'Un!

Even more appeared behind the shack. Pete took a shot out the back window, but rolled another one! He used his last lot of supplies but rolled 1 yet again!

Jack kept backing off, shooting Zombies as he went. At one point he ran out of ammo, but used his supplies to reroll and this time killed his target. He was quite relieved when a shot from Judy took the big zombie's head off.

Yet more zombies arriving!

With everywhere searched now, the gang pulled back towards the stage, pausing to take down any zombies that blocked Jill's path.

The gang pilled into the stage and rode off, just before the mass of zombies closed in.

We had managed to escape with only one character suffering a wound, but not much to show for our efforts. Judy's shooting skill combined with a rifle had been a godsend, but might not be so useful if there had been less open ground. Supplies had proved vital, just one re-roll each in the game had been a life-saver more than once.

Great fun!

Monday, 3 March 2025

Sellswords in Bogland Game 2

Ian and Ross came over for the second game in our Boglanders mini-campaign. This time they needed to traverse the Webbed Wyldwood and search the Giant's Lair for the missing pieces of the necklace of Jenny of the Bog. 

The table layout. The three standing stones mark the extent of the Webbed Wyldwood and the pile of skulls marks the entrance to the Giant's Lair. A piece of the necklace is with one of the mummified spider meals scattered around the wood, the other in the friendly-sounding Giant's Lair!

Not a great start. With Ian's first activation his Ranger stood on a poisonous scorpion and took a point of damage and stepped back into a spider web trap he hadn't noticed! Did I mention he was a ranger?

This attracted the attention of a giant spider, who started moving closer to the party. 

Fortunately the bad luck didn't continue. The group quickly despatched the giant spider and a wandering bugbear and, after pausing for the Sorcerer to cast a couple of healing spells, found the necklace part in the first body they searched!

The Squire led the way out of the wood, but paused at the edge and called bgack "Sir, I think you should come and see this!"

The Knight, Squire and Warrior (why are they too lazy to name their characters?), lined up shoulder to shoulder to face the charging giantess. Not a good move as she threw boulder at them as she advanced, knocking them all to the ground. Luckily their armour saved them from serious injury. The Sorcerer was no so lucky when he was hit by a second boulder, as he doesn't wear armour!

All the commotion attracted the attention of another threat, the much feared onion knight!

The party managed to kill the angry giantess before the onion knight reached them, which was fortunate, as the fumes exuded by the onion knight causes the PCs eyes to sting and water copiously (-2 on all combat rolls!).  Ian's Knight was unable to assist his friends as some dodgy activation rolls meant that he was trapped as sentient vines wrapped around his legs while, simultaneously, a poisonous spider attacked him!
The Ranger and the Squire fought off the onion knight's attacks and eventually killed him, although both were wounded.
Still in the woods, Ross' Elf saw a strange figure stirring a bubbling cauldron and went to investigate, only to be attacked by another poisonous spider.

Having dealt with Mrs Giant, now Mr Giant turned up!

The Sorcerer valiantly faced the giant down and zapped him with a brace pof magic darts (channelling Gandalf and the Balrog?)
The giant took exception to this behaviour and ignoring the rest of the party, charged towards the Sorcerer (Ross had drawn the Target on Your back card!). He flattened the Sorcerer with a boulder, then stamped on the prone mage, taking him Out of the Fight.

The Warrior and the Knight plunged into the fray, killing the giant after a bloody melee. But, on pulling the Sorcerer's body out from under the fallen giant, they discovered he was dead!

Searching the Giant's Lair, the remaining PCs found the next part of the missing necklace in the pile of skulls. As everyone was injured they decided to leave immediately, while they could still walk!

With no magic in the party now, they decided to wait before continuing their quest, to allow time for the Sorcerer's apprentice to join them. Especially as they had now found another magic wand the giant had taken off a previous meal. One good thing for the PCs, once the Elf re-joined the party, they discovered he had been given 4 flasks by his mysterious new friend that turned out to contain healing potions. Probably going to come in very useful.

Friday, 28 February 2025

Painting in February

 In an effort to keep my painting mojo going, I am going to post a monthly update of my "achievements"  (or at least I am going to try to).

So, for February:

Some more Wild West Zombies from CMON's Zombicide Undead or Alive.

A blast from the past! A 90s sculpt from Heartbreaker, sculpted by Phil Lewis

A 3D print I found online, I have cunning plan in mind for this.

A couple of nasty mutant gribblies, also CMON models from Zombicide Undead or Alive.

Martian Fighting Machines, 3D prints from Etsy. I'm using these in 28mm, the taller ones are about 50mm high. they would be brilliant for 10mm or 6mm games.

Reaper Bones Graveyard Golem. I picked this up at a show 4/5 years ago and it's sat in the pile of shame ever since.

Assorted dead bodies, alway useful!

Two Bogander Fishmen from Ramshackle games.

The ruler of Bogland: Bortrand, eighth of his name, and Nigle, the second of his name, the two kings who wear the crown simultaneously, Bringer of War and named vassal to the Dark Lord, who he tricks.

Another random 3D print I took a fancy too, not sure what I will use it for yet, but I will probably find all kinds of occasions to put this on the table!