Monday 15 July 2019

Emperor of Ice - Sellswords Campaign Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Into The Frozen City

The party have finally reached the fabled Lost City of Magic. Following Brother Christos’ directions, they move towards the city’s central plaza. From there six routes lead on into the depths of the city, one of which is the true path to the Tower of Teuton, the PCs ultimate destination.

As the party moved deeper into the city, Eduardo's manner became even more manic than usual. 
"The mana is really powerful here" he muttered.
Gunner looked enquiringly at Sintamo , who pulled a face and tapped his finger against his temple.

Suddenly Sintamo held up his hand.
“Hang on, I think there’s something up ahead” he whispered.

Using a ruined building for cover, the party cautiously peer at the roadway ahead.
Suddenly, a man dressed in grey clothing that blended in perfectly with the stone ruins around them, dashed into sight. He snatched up a small wooden chest and ran back to where he had emerged from, but he had hardly taken a dozen strides when an arrow flew across the open space a buried itself in his back. Dropping the chest, he fell to the ground. Looking up Eldarondo spotted a brown-clad archer high in a ruin to their left. From the right side of the road a red-clad man with a long grey beard stood up a pointed at the archer. The archer flew high into the air, seeming to dangle in mid-air for a split second, then dropped. With a high-pitched scream, the bowman fell to the ground, landing on the stones with a wet thud.
Another wizard, this time wearing blue, stepped into sight and launched a searing blue lightning bolt that exploded near the red wizard, causing him to duck. A heavily armoured warrior sprang forward and ran towards the chest. Now, from across the street, another armoured man stepped up. Yet another red wizard, a younger man this time, appeared next to him and placed his hand on the warrior’s shoulder. A faint blue light appeared to shimmer around the warrior’s armour as he ran forward to intercept the first armoured man. As the two warriors battered at each other a fourth wizard came into view, a younger man in blue, who launched another lightning bolt across the open space.
More men appeared as the road dissolved into chaos, arrows and blue lightening flew back and forth and armoured warriors hacked at one another.
Sintamo: “They seem a little bit busy, I think I can find another way around”.

 (Scenario: 4XP per player).
Eventually the party emerged into an open plaza, dominated by the base of a great ruined tower, and dotted with piles of rubble. The ruins of once grand buildings line the edges of the plaza. Along the northern edge stand 6 stone obelisks, spaced 6” apart. Each obelisk marks a roadway exiting the plaza, the PCs must identify the correct one that marks to path to the Tower of Teuton. It takes an action to read the sign to reveal its associated marker.  Characters who exit at the wrong point can come back on in the next turn, otherwise they have to do the adventure again without those who used the correct exit road.

When the AMBUSH! card is drawn, 1 skeleton jumps out of the closest open tomb/vault.

Treasure:  If a That Will Come In Useful card is drawn, the PC has noticed an ancient wooden chest. It takes 1 action to open the chest. Roll 1 d6 once the chest is opened:
1 – Trap, a magical blast pushes the PC back 8” and they fall to the ground. DL12 dexterity check or suffer 1HP.
2  - Trap, a Bear trap. Damage 1, target is knocked down and requires a DL 12 Strength roll to break free. The PC loses 1” of movement until healed.  
3  - Trap, the PC is caught in a snare, may not move and has -2 on all rolls until he breaks free. Breaking free requires either a DL 14 Strength roll (1 action) or using a blade and 3 consecutive actions to cut the snare. An adjacent friend may help the PC giving a +2 on his Strength roll or contributing his own actions to cut him free.
4 – Treasure, a random potion.
5 – Treasure, a random spell scroll.
6 – Treasure, a random magical weapon.

Deployment: Deploy all PCs 2” from the southern edge, there are no starting foes.

Ambush: A random foe (Column 1) appears from the nearest cover and attacks the nearest PC.

Reinforcements/They are at our back/Wandering Monster: Roll 2d6
Random Encounter table
First D6 roll
Second D6 roll
Level 1 Encounter
Level 2 Encounter
Level 3 Encounter
Skeleton   1d6
Armoured Skeleton 1d6
Ghoul 1d3
Skeleton   1d6
Ghoul 1d3
Minor Werewolf
Armoured Skeleton 1d6
Wolf 1d6
Armoured Skeleton 1d6
Wolf 1d6
Ghoul 1d3
Minor Werewolf
Stone Elemental

Scenario Specific Rules.
Frostgrave is awash with mana.  Spellcasters have the following special rules.

A 1 is still an automatic failure, but it is no longer a complete loss of Mana. Rather it indicates too MUCH Mana has been channelled. Roll Below
1 – Passes Out. Must be awoken by another character.
2 – Lose 1 HP and knocked over by the back blast
3 – Lose 1 HP
4 – Knocked over by force
5 – Still standing, but spend next action being violently sick.
6 – Spell goes off in a random direction. Roll d6 for height at maximum range. If the line of travel (from casters shoulder) crosses anyone/thing it goes off there.  With area effect spells if the head or more of a model is in radius they take the effects. 

Victory Conditions: The PCs must exit the table from the Northern edge, ideally by the correct exit to The Tower of Teuton.

Other individual rewards: A PC carrying an out-of-action PC off the table gains 1 XP.

The table layout at the start of the game, the players will enter from the near edge.

The PCs move forward as a group, except for Gunnar who has been ambushed by a lone skeleton, which he quickly disposes of.

Brother Christos reaches the first monolith without incident.

Gunnar "I thought the plan was to stick together?"
Eduardo ("the Magnificent") "Don't worry, it's really quiet around here."
"Shut up!"
"Eddie, you troll's arsehole, you've done it again!"

As if in response to Eddie's words, things started to get "interesting".
A minor werewolf wandered on close to Christos. Sintamo stuck an arrow in the beast, but then his bow string snapped!

A snarling wolf leaps from the ruins onto Gunnar and takes a bite out of the dwarf before his axe cuts it in two.

And Christos stood on a poisoned scorpion!
Recoving, he cuts down the werewolf but take another wound in the process.

More and more foes start turning up, two hordes of skeletons and a pack of 3 wolves. Eddie, cackling quietly, steps forward and prepares a fireball spell. But in his over-excited state he fails to cast it.

Multiple activation fails see the nearest horde of skeletons close in on the wizard at speed. Fortunately Gunnar rushes up to his aid. He slaps the wizard with the haft of his axe.
"Concentrate, you daft bugger!"
The dwarf makes short work of the horde, but takes a wound in the process.

Sintamo and Eldarondo give covering fire, taking out the pack of wolves closing in of the flank, but the Ranger is ambushed by another skeleton.

Sir Robin finds himself facing an earth elemental. He launches a blistering attack, striking the creature 3 times, but his blade just bounces off. Seeing his peril, Eddie rushes over in his direction.

Sir Robin pulls back from the beast, taking a mighty blow as he does so, but is only winded as his armour holds firm.

Eddie's practically gibbering now as he launches successive flaming blasts against the elemental until it explodes into burning pieces.
Eldarondo "This place is making Eddie really weird."
Sintamo just raises an eyebrow.
"OK, weirder."

The party pause as long howl that chills the blood echos around the ruins. A huge werewolf charges towards them.

It leaps over the stones, onto Sintamo and rips into him with it's claws. He desperately parries, but his buckler is smashed to pieces by the force of the blow.

Leaping backwards, he drops his sword and pulls out his bow, sending an arrow into the beast's chest.

Eldarondo aims at the monster, but it spins and strikes at the already wounded dwarf. Gunnar collapses to the ground, unconscious. Yelling in anger, the elf puts two more arrows deep into the werewolf.

Eddie turns to help his friends, but is ambushed by a ferocious wolf...twice!

Somehow Eddies kills both the beasts, using his unique tactic of closing his eyes and waving his sword in front of him, yelling "GITOUTOFIT!"
In the meantine Sintamo finishes the werewolf off with two more well aimed arrows. Eldamondo rushes to the dwarf and using his healing skills to bring him around. Gunnar is alive but can barely walk.
Behind them Sir Robin calls "I've found the right stone!"
Sending Gunnar hobbling off to join Sir Robin, the two turn to look for Eddie.

Opening his eyes, Eddie slides the second wolf off of the end of his sword and sees a huge horde of skeletons rapidly approaching. He draws himself up, laughing manically as he prepares to launch another fireball, but steps on a loose stone and falls backwards to the ground!

Christos rushes forward to block the horde's path to the fallen wizard, but in his hurry he had forgotten to heal himself from his earlier combat and soon falls as he is surrounded by undead.
Eddies gets back to his feet, pauses to gather his thoughts, them blasts the remaining skeletons to ashes.
Sintamo and Eldarondo join him.
"Eddie, go back and join the others, we'll deal with this".
Now more foes have appeared, two ghouls move towards Christos' fallen form and a pack of wolves move in from the side.
Sintamo runs towards Christos while Eldarondo moves to the left for a better shot, shooting the leading wolf as he does so.

Foes keep emerging from the ruins, this lot arrived in a single turn, 2 skeleton hordes, a pack of 3 ghouls and a wraith, fortunately on PC's starting edge!

As he makes his way to join Gunnar and Sir Robin, Eddies sees an ancient looking chest, patially buried in the rubble. Intrigued, he moves across to examine it further.
"Don't touch that Eddie" Sir Ronin calls, but it's too late, Eddie flings the lip open and takes out a long object, wrapped in velvet.
"It's magical! I can feel the mana" Eddie crooned.
"Come on, you daft sod, you can play with it later"

Sintamo hoists Christos onto his shoulder and, covered by Eldarondo, he rapidly moves back to join the rest of the party and together they escape, following the marked path to their ultimate goal.
Once they found somewhere to rest, Eldarondo checked Christos' wounds, but they proved to be minor. Whilst temporarily disabling, Gunnar's injuries were also not serious.
But, is the dwarf infected with Werecurse from the werewolf's attack?
We will find out at the next full moon!

Eddie's magical find turned out to be a sword. 
"It's mine! It's magic, I'm a wizard, I use magic!"
In his current, semi-deranged state, none the others felt like arguing the point, so they let the wizard keep his new toy.
"It's my precious sword, my preciousss OUCH!"
"Stop that nonsense or I'll slap you again" Gunnar growled.


  1. I love the touch of madness all the magic users seem to suffer from in this report. Or is it perhaps something that overcomes everyone who delves into such Forbidden Lore?
    Great batrep, love your writing style.

    1. As the place is awash with magic we decided that it would put Eduardo on a permanent high as he channeled the mana. Resident wizards are accustomed to it. Mind you Eddie's always been a bit unstable.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Differently stable, Thank you very much.
