Saturday 24 June 2023

Gothic Horror - Part 2

 The five factions were the Nosferatau and Dracul vampire clans, the Scarlet Fangs and Rd Clws werewolf packs and the human Monster Hunters.

Victory points were assigned for each monster killed by your faction (no points for killing mere humans). Each monster faction had a particular enemy who scored bonus points for each kill. The humans scored bonus points for each monster faction wiped out, no matter who was responsible, after all they just wanted to clean the streets!

Werewolves rampaging through the streets of Venicia!


The Red Claws started the mayhem straight away, charging into the Nosferatau clan. It was a little premature as the result was the Red Claws pack leader being surrounded and cut down by the vampires. With a second werewolf was killed it looked like an early bath for the Red Claws player!
But, then a lucky blow killed the Noseratau Elder and the balance started to move the other way. The two factions would remain in a brutal slogging match for the rest of the game.

Scarlet Fangs face off against the Dracul Clan. After the Dracul put one of the werewolves down these two pussy-footed around each other for the first half of the game! They spent more time glaring at each other and name-calling than anything else!

Which was just as well because the human hunters were finding it difficult to get going! They spent a lot of time milling around the central plazza (lots of failed activation rolls on my account!).

Finally the Scarlet Fangs pack got stuck into the hunters. The Dracul Clan had bravely hidden in a house allowing the werewolves to finally bypass them and get to the humans.

The Dracul Clan finally decided to show thei faces and risk getting their nice dresses dirty, after the Scarlet Fangs and killed the best Vampire Hunter!

It turned into a three-way brawl in the plazza....

...which resulted in the Scarlet Fangs being wiped out! Half the hunters were also dead, along with one of the Dracul vanpires

In the meantime the epic Red Claws/Nosferatau streetfight ranged on.

One of the Vampire hunters thought about cahring in, but decided it was better not getting involved!

Finally it was down to a single Norferatau still standing, but still the fight carried on. Both sides were finding it impossible to roll killing blows, so just knocked each other backwards and forwards.

At this point the Dracul clan decided that their previous tactic, stabbing the Starlet Fangs in the back whilst they were distracted fighting someone else, had worked so well they would try it again. But the Nosferatau and Red Claws promptly found their dice mojo and killed a Dracul each, wiping the clan out!

Having worked out how to kill vampires, the werewolves now made short work of the last Nosferatau. The Red Claws were victorious, the city of Venicia was theirs!!!!

Apart from the four humans rushing towards them, of course (a minor point!). They briefly considered ripping the impudent humans apart, but as silver bullets pinged around their ears they decided it was a good time to leave.

A clear win for the Red Claws with 9VPs. 
The Hunters actually came second with 6VPs.
The rest of the factions varied from 2 to 5 VPs each, but as they were all dead it was a moot point anyway.

A lot of fun was had by all.

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