Tuesday 24 September 2024

SNAKES!!! Part 2

 Ross and I managed to get our follow-up game of Sellswords and Spellslingers in quite quickly. As we are going to turn this into a campaign, let me quickly introduce the cast. My party consists of Steinarr the Cleric, Dallin the Warrior and Renir the Wizard. Ross has Lars the Warrior, Aoife the Elf and Mephiso the Wizard.

Scenario: The party have to escort the wagon across the table through the forest, to return it to it's rightful owner, hopefully finding Lars (who got separated at the end of the previous game) en route. The journey is complicated by the presence of some irate Lizardmen!

The initial set-up, with the wagon entering on the right hand side. Lars will enter at a randon corner when the Scenario Event card is drawn.

Here are our heroes gathered around the wagon.

Around them lizardmen lurk, led by this lizardman champion.

We start to move forward, Renir leads the oxen whilst Steinarr and Dalin flank him, ready to intercept any attackers. Ross kept  Aoife and Mephiso back to watch our rear (translation: he failed most of his activations and couldn't keep up).

Steinarr keeps a watchful eye on some advancing lizardmen. He fails to see a cunningly placed dart trap, which he triggers, taking a hit from a poisoned dart (if he fails an activation he collapses in a coma!!). Fortunately, Renir has a heal spell and cures the effects of the poison. In the far distance you can see another lizardman champion, bemused by the number of pigeons falling from the trees next to him, slain by the bow skills of the keen eyed elf, and the mighty magic of Mephiso (something about barn doors comes to mind!).

Our two missle experts finally score a couple of hits, but one arrow bounces off the lizardman's scaly hide.

Turn two and fortunes smiles on us as Lars enters from close to the table edge the rest of the party are heading towards. Unfortunately he attracts the attention of the Lizardman champion leading the scaly foes.

Dalin gets stuck into a horde of lizardmen, quickly cutting them down until just one remains.

Lars despatches the enemy champion in a hard fight, taking two wounds himself in the process. He then moves forward to join Renir at the wagon.

Lars takes over control of the oxen and keeps the wagon moving towards a safe escape, allowing Renir to move back and join the rest of the party.

Renir now zaps a couple of lizardmen. A failed activation produced a Hidden Treasure" card, placing three treasure counters on the table, one of which contains riches beyond our wildest dreams, well a few coins at least.

Steinarr takes a gamble and runs up to the nearest token...to discover a small wooden chest!

And promptly get jumped on by a horde of lizardmen, taking another wound.

Dalin runs up to help him, cutting a lizardman in two with a mighty swing of his two-handed sword (rolls a 20 in his attack). Mephiso now gets his eye in with his spells and wipes out a horde of lizardmen before they can close into combat.

Lars gets the wagon off to safety and the rest of the party conduct a fighting retreat to follow him. After the two wizards have escaped, Steinarr and Dalin pause at the table edge to wait for Aoife, who seemed to spend most of his time tripping over his own shoelaces, and was lagging behind. Luckily the elf managed to get himself moving and the all got away before the lizardman champion seen here could catch them.

This was a far more successful adventure for the party, although two PCs were one wound away from death when the succeeded in escaping, so there were a couple of hairy moments!

When we examined our ill-gotten gains, we had some cash, a couple of healing potions and a magical two-handed Sword of Thunder (rolling a natural 19 or 20 in combat delivers a lightning bolt to any foes in contact with the wielder).

The party decided to rest up for a few days and allow their wounds to heal, before moving to to their next adventure.

Using Corey's random adventure generator, we discovered that the next adventure takes the PCs into undead infested ruins. We decided to interpret the ruins as an underground crypt complex, so I can break out one of my Tenfold Dungeon sets!


  1. Lovely looking game as always. Glad you're having fun with the random scenario generator

    1. We are going to try running a complete campaign using the random scenario generator to see how it works out!

  2. Yes, a great scenario. I played it myself sometime ago. There were bandits and assassins jumping out bushes everywhere. They got across in the end. Axes, shields and bows work wonders.

    1. As do magic missiles (when they work) as the lizardmen only get a save against mundane attacks!
