Thursday 8 August 2024

Re-Fight in the Barrowdowns

 Mark and I tried a re-fight of our previous game using my amended Soldiers of God rules for Middle Earth. I wanted to try out a few tweaks that had come out of our last game. It was certainly a much closer game, with both armies battering each other to almost breaking point.

Here are a few pictures from the game.

The army of Angmar.

The Free peoples (Dwarf/Elf alliance)

Snaga already taking hits from elvish archery.

Wargs rushing forwards!

The attempted flank attack hits a wall of Dwarf spears and the wargs die horribly!

Battle is joined in the centre and the meat-grinder shifts into gear!

Trolls close in on a unit of Dwarf axemen.

At this point the game almost ended in a massive Angmar victory! Mark sent his warg riders off table on a flank attack. The danger is that they may never return! But they successfully came on behind the Dwarf line and charged into an isolated commander! After killing him they were able to charge into the Dwarf King before I had a chance to reposition any units. Fortunately my reserve unit of Noldor Elf axemen was able to swing frond and catch the warg riders in the flank, destroying them, But it was a close thing.
Sadly I was too distracted to remember to photograph the event!

The Trolls crash into the Dwarf line, which buckles, but holds.

The final act, badly shot up by the lighter Sindar Elf archers, a unit of uruks finally get into contact. Both unit break simultaneously in the subsequent melee, which is enough to put the Angmar army morale into minus figures, causing them to rout. 

Great fun! We are both liking these rules, which still need a few minor tweaks, but on the whole we are happy with them. It was very close, had the Dwarf king been eaten by wargs, or losing another unit, the Free Peoples army morale would have been the one to break!

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