Saturday 9 November 2019

Demons Gate - Sellswords Campaign Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The Secret Entrance

On reaching the Guildhall they find the place in uproar, servants and guardsmen rushing about. After reading their letter, a harassed guardsman shows them into the main council chamber. The High Guildmaster is only half dressed and stands at the table scanning a written message held in his right hand, whilst holding two more in his left.  A messenger rushes into the room, bows and hands the High Guildmaster another parchment.

“Thank all the gods you are here, the city is in chaos!” he exclaims. “I’ve demands for help coming in from all over the place this morning, reports of flying demons, even the dead are rising up out of their graves against us!”
He paused, “Where’s my captain?”
Sintamo told him of their meeting and the captain’s discovery.
On hearing of the captain’s death, the man slumped into his chair and hung his head.

Then he looked up with a determined look.
“Can’t be helped. I’m not giving my city over to a bunch of devil worshipers without a fight.”
Sweeping the table clear of messages and his half-eaten breakfast, the High Guildsmaster produced an ancient scroll that he spread out across the table.
“This is a plan of the secret tunnels beneath Longstat, as you can see, they pass directly beneath the Temple of Talas. Here’s the plan…..”

The High Guildmaster would gather all the city guard and call out the militia, at those who were willing to leave the safety of their houses.
Half the guard and the militia would be tasked with clearing the streets of the walking dead, whilst he would lead the other half of the guard to assault the Temple of Talas. The temple was strongly defended, with high walls, so it was unlikely they would be able to force their way in. But the attack would serve as a diversion, allowing the party to get into the caverns through the secret tunnels.

“Sounds like the best chance we’ll have,” Sir Robin said “we will get started!”
“Just a moment.” Gunnar said, pointing at the map. “Why is this secret entrance in this open space on the map? What is it anyway, gardens, a park?”
He peered closer at the map, noticing faint writing.
“G….R….A….V…E.” He stopped and looked at the High Guildsmaster.
“The secret entrance in in the City Council Mausoleum, where past councilors are buried.” The High Guildsmaster explained.
“Come on, we have foul undead to smite.” said Christos impatiently.
As the party left the chamber Gunnar muttered “A graveyard. Why do they always put secret entrances in a graveyard?”

Set Up.
The eastern third of the table has a scattering of buildings, mostly hovels, sheds and barns (people don’t like living too close to the graveyard).
Dividing the eastern third from the rest of the table, a wall runs between the northern and southern edges at the boundary of the graveyard. The wall is climbable, but there are 3 entrances (either gateways or gaps where the wall has crumbled and fallen). The graveyard is a jumble of gravestones, tombs and small mausoleums. The City Council Mausoleum is in the middle of the western edge.
The PCs enter anywhere along the eastern edge.

Traps:  Once the party has entered the graveyard, on a Trap card a skeletal hand erupts from the ground and grabs the PC’s foot (treat as a snare).

3 hordes of 3 skeletons/zombies outside the graveyard.
3 Ghouls inside the graveyard.

When the AMBUSH! card is drawn, 1 skeleton leaps out from the nearest cover and charges the closest PC.

Reinforcements: 1d6 Skeletons enter from a random table edge.

Complications: 6 Cultists and a Cult Warrior enter at the PC’s starting point (they have been following the party since they left the Guildhall).

Scenario Event: A wraith emerges from the Council mausoleum. If a PC reaches the entrance to the mausoleum whilst the Wraith is still inside, it will charge out and attack the PC.

Wandering Monster: 
1-4 = 1d3 Ghouls enter from a random table edge.

5 = An imp enters from a random table edge.
6 = A flying lesser demon enters from a random table edge (there will only be 1 demon in play at any time).

Victory Conditions: The PCs must cross the table and enter the Council Mausoleum.

Other individual rewards: A PC carrying an out-of-action PC off the table gains 1 XP. Killing the wraith or a lesser demon earns 1XP.

 The table set up, viewed from the west.

 And viewed from the east, the party will enter on the road next to the house.

 Some of the recent inhabitants of the graveyard are waiting for them.

 Things started as usual, Eldarondo was a bit slow of the mark shooting at the zombies so Gunnar went charging off to hack at some undead. Sintamo took the more leisurely approach of waiting for the shambling corpses to come to him (he failed his activations and got charged by a horde of zombies!) shooting one down as they came in.
Eduardo (the Magnificent) took the time to channel the mana from the Essence of the Feathered Serpent, which gave him and random extra spell. Unfortunately he got Protect Others, which allowed him to give additional protection to his friends against missile attacks.....but ghouls and zombies were not renowned for their use of bows!

 Having dealt with their initial attackers without loss, Sintamo started rummaging through his pack.
"I've got a set of lockpicks here somewhere, to save us climbing over the wall."
"I've got a lockpick!" said Eddie, giggling.
"Sir Robin shrugged and slapped Sintamo in the back.
"Well, that's one way of opening it."

"The gate falling only just missed that ghoul, I'll get him." Eldarondo muttered as he drew back his bow.
Eddie started giggling again.
"Now you see him....."

".....and now you don't!"
"Eddie calm down, you're starting to dribble."
"But it's such fun!"

 As more zombies appeared behind the party, Sir Robin moved towards them.
"I'll get you there quicker, Robin!" Eddie called.
"I can make you FLY!"
Eddie gestured at Sir Robin, then cried out and clutched his head. Mana Overload!
Oh Bugger, that's our magic gone for the game and we aren't even a third of the way to the objective yet.

 As if to rub it in, a flying demon turns up!

 Now a horde of cultists and cultist warrior that had been following the party decided to show up. The warrior charged into Brother Christos, who smashed his mace into the armoured warrior's side, breaking a rib. The warrior's counter stroke almost knocked Christos off his feet, but he just managed to catch the blow on his shield. Gunnar them joined the fight, finishing the warrior off awith a viscous blow from his axe.
"Come on Laddie, we had better conduct a fighting retreat to catch up with the others. I'll get to the gate, then cover youe from there."

 As soon as Gunnar moved a zombie leapt out from the house, but Christos felled the creature with a backhanded blow of his mace. Then moved back to join the dwarf.

 Sintamo and Eldarondo peppered the oncoming demon with arrow, but most missed as it flew from gravestone to gravestone.
"Stand still!" Eldarondo muttered, He drew back his bow and paused, taking careful aim at the rapidly moving target.
With a loud twang, the elf's bowstring snapped!
"You held it back for too long." Sitamo offered helpfully.
"Shut up!" the elf complained as he rapidly restrung his bow with a spare bowstring.
"I'll get him!" Robin yelled as he charged past the pair.
As he reached the demon, the monsters talons knock the knight off his feet, ripping a gash in his armour, and drawing blood from a minor wound.
(I'd rolled a 1 in Robin's attack, which would danage his armour and give him a -1 to armour saves until he can get it fixed).

 Leaping back on his feet, Robin thrust his sword deep into the demon's body and the creature collapsed at his feet.

 In the meantime Eddie had been advancing towards the mausoleum, but skidded to a halt as a dark shape drifted out of the doorway and moved rapidly towards him.
"Guys! Help!" Eddie called as he turned around and rushed back towards his comrades.

 As Eddie took up the position of rearguard, the rest of the party turned to face the new threat. Sinatm leapt onto a tomb for a better view and sent an arrow deep into the creature's chest.

 The ranger was then sent crashing to the ground as the lid of the tomb was thrown open and a skeleton climbed out, swinging at the ranger with his sword. Sintamo caught the blow on his buckler, then drew his sword and smashed the skeleton's skull.

 Behind the rest of the party, the cultists had Gunnar surrounded!

Sir Robin and Christos attacked the wraith, each striking home and wounding the creature.

Having dispatched his ambusher, Sintamo now found his ankle gripped by a bony hand that erupted out of the ground at his feet. He smashed at it with his sword and Eddie rushed over to help (glad to be hitting something that would hit him back).

Having finished the wraith off, Sir Robin and Christos took up position in front of the Mausoleum waiting for the rest of the party to catch up and fend off any further threats.

Like the horde of ghouls that were moving across the graveyard.

Behind the party, yet more undead were shambling forward.

In fact, most of the reinforcements and wandering monsters were turning up along the starting edge, like more undead.

Yet more undead, plus a ghoul and an imp (behind the house in this shot).

It wasn't Sintamo's day as, no sooner had he escaped one skeletal hand, the ranger found himself in the bony grasp of a second hidden skeleton. Gunnar rushed over, grabbed Eddie by the scruff of this neck and pushed him down the road.
"Run down there and join Sir Robin." he instructed.

"Come on Laddie, stop messing about!" Gunnar smashed the grasping hand with his axe. Now to add to the party's problems, it started to rain, spoiling Eldarondo's aim as he shot at the advancing zombies.

Eddie reached the door of the mausoleum, but Sir Robin stopped him before he could enter.
"It might be as well to let one of us go first, Eddie."
Eddie peered through the door.
"Dark, isn't it!"
As the rest of the party caught up, Christos stepped through the door.
"I'll go first, in case vile undead lurk in the shadows."
He disappeared into the darkness.
After a few seconds, he cried out, followed by the crashing sounds of combat.
"What's happening?"
"Stairs!" came the faint reply.
"Anybody got a light?"