Thursday 30 May 2024

WHEN NIGHTMARES COME - Egypt 1920s Case - Game 4

 We played the final game in my 1920s campaign, bringing our case to a conclusion.

I forgot to take any pictures of the Game 3, which had been something of a disappointment, being allover in 3 turns! Good dice and coming on from both sides meant that we accessed three POI in the first turn, revealing the Nexus straight away. We were then able to close the Nexus before too many Dark Spawn showed up. We actually played the scenario twice, but got the same result a second time, an easy win the turn 3!

On to Game 4, which was a very different kettle of fish indeed!

The table layout, the hunters are shown entering from the left. The POIs and the small red markers and the portals are the yellowish flashes.

And the view from the bottom left corner.

Turn 1
The Hunters split up going either side of the pyramid.  Onur Turkay and Dr Doctor Ogley went right, Onur reaching the first POI and successfully searching it whilst the Doctor rushed forwards towards the next. 
Going left Emmett Swanson reached his nearest POI but was unable to search it this turn, Whilst Akil Malik was a little more tardy, probably slowed by the weight of his satchel full of tricks and gadgets. Two pairs of Minions of Anubis appeared, two of them charged towards Onur, whist on the other side of the table one of them seemed less keen to approach Emmett.

Turn 2
Onur cocked his tommy gun and let rip, cutting one of the minions down, but failed his next two activations! He ten moved towards the Doctor, who in the meantime had reached and successfully searched the next POI. Incidentally this triggered the arrival of the "Big Bad", the Mummified Pharaoh at the entrance to the pyramid. 
One the other side of the table Emmett downed one of his foes with a pistol shot, then quickly searched the POI next to him, before moving back to join Akil Malik. This caused the Nexus to be revealed in the opposite corner to the pair, nearby Doctor Ogley, unfortunately also within reach of the Pharaoh!
The surviving Minions of Anubis charged Onur and Emmett respectively, but both successfully dodged their foes attack. Two mummified priest appeared on the left hand side of the table and closed in on Emmett and Akil from both sides.

Turn 3
Akil pulled out his revolver, aimed and shot the mummy moving up behind him, them moved around the side of the pyramid. Emmett cut down the minion in front of him with his machete, the shot the oncoming mummy, but just knocked the Dark Spawn to the ground. He then rushed around to join Akil.
Onur moved to place himself between the Pharaoh and the Nexus, then aim and fired with his tommy gun, wounding the creature. Doctor Ogley ran past him to the site of the Nexus and started to shut it down, pausing to cast a Barrier spell to prevent the Mummified Pharaoh from pursuing him. 
The Pharaoh, blocked by the magical barrier, was forced to move around the ruins towards the Nexus, joined by a recently arrived mummified priest. Another mummified priest entered the portal closest to Emmett and Akil and moved to block their escape.

Turn 4
Emmett killed the mummy with a well-aimed blow from his machete, then he and Akil rushed on towards their compatriots.
Onur turned and fired an aimed burst at the Pharaoh, wounding the foe a second time, then fired a burst at the mummy beside him, knocking the Dark Spawn down. In the meantime the Doctor continues to work on the Nexus, failing two of his three attempts to close the nexus down.
The Pharaoh fortunately fails his activation and only has his free move to advance toward the Doctor. The prone mummy fails an attempt to rise before regaining his feet and moving to join his master. Two more mummified priests emerge from the portals and move forward to join the fray.

Turn 5 
Emmett and Akil continue to rush to bring aid to their embattled comrades. Onur gets between the Nexus and the Pharaoh and fires but the creature dodges his attack. The Doctor finally succeeds in closing the Nexus but inadvertently summons a Temple Guardian!
At this point we had technically won the game, but with the Mummified Pharaoh in play we decided that we should play on.
That was a mistake! Both the Pharaoh and his accompanying mummified priest successfully strike Onur, but he dodges one blow and utilities his Granite's Fealty to offset the wound. In the meantime the poor Doctor is battered by the temple guardian, taking three wounds.

Turn 6
Things are looking pretty dodgy for two of the hunters. But fortunately Akil Malik manages to get close enough to throw a Repellent into the middle of the scrum, forcing the Dark Spawn to break off and move away from their prey. As the Pharaoh tries to move away, Onur strikes him with the butt of his tommy gun, knocking the creature to the floor.
Doctor Ogley administers some first aid to himself the launches a magical Arcane Bolt at the Temple Guardian, killing it. Onur proceeds to riddle the fallen Pharaoh with his tommy gun and kills the monster.
Case closed -just in time!!!

Well, this had been a lot of fun! Although we had found some of the earlier games seemed a bit disappointing at times, often not seeming to be much of a challenge for the Hunters, this game really played to the strengths of this rule system.

We liked the basic mechanisms and will certainly be playing more games with When Nightmares Come. I think we will probably stick to writing my own scenarios for our games, rather than using the system in the book.